So another year ends and the promise of a new year waits just around the corner. How is your 2017 ending? How are you beginning 2018?
Was it a good year? Are you racing into the future looking forward to the promise of 2018 or are you dragging yourself out of 2017 battle scarred and weary? Or perhaps you feel ambivalent about 2017/2018. Easy come easy go.
Let's take time to reflect.
What parts of 2017 do you want to leave behind? How will you do that?
What were the best parts of 2017? What made them great?
What goals went uncompleted? Why?
What are you going to do about it in 2018 and those goals?
Reflect on them, adjust, make new goals, and examine if they are realistic.
What accomplishments did you have in 2017?
I believe every year has its ups and downs. Every year is full of promise and failure. Health and sickness wait inside each year. But, the way you feel about a year that has passed and a year that is starting really can set a tone for how you feel about them.
Let's be honest years are just made up of days, days are made up from hours, and hours come from a collection of minutes.
Minutes are built by seconds. So let's make every second count.
Let's choose to see the good and the best in the situations around us. Yes sometimes you need to dig deep and explore when you want to hide.
But see each year as a sketch. The final product won't be completed until the final stroke of the artist's pencil.
Happy New Year’s to you!