Monday, March 12, 2018

Leprechaun Laughter

What do you do to enjoy children's laughter and embrace their excitement?

St. Patrick's Day always fills my class's mind with Leprechauns and the mischief they cause.  Usually it is one day of chaos and fun that builds all day long. 

The room is constantly but back into place only to turn around or come back to the room to find some disruption has happened again.  Some times it is a path of glitter, other times it is toys dumped or put in wrong spots.  I have as much fun trying not to be caught as they do discovering the next bit of mischief.

This year I had an idea to make small, paper, Leprechauns and hide them around the room.  I started this 2 weeks ago.  The joy it has brought to our day is fun.  The hiding places have gotten harder and the Leprechauns have moved from the classroom to around the building.  We place them in a glass jar, but those little Leprechauns get out when we are not looking and need to be rounded up again.

This carried over to the homes.  One family made their own Leprechauns to hide at
home, several others came in and asked me where I got them from.  I gave them a copy of the ones I had drawn.  Then I sent home a template that so anyone who wanted to carry the excitement on at home.  I quietly passed it to parents so they were not pressured from their children to participate.

We have had to set some guidelines as the play goes on.

All leprechauns go into the cage.

The first person who finds the Leprechaun is the one who gets it to put in the cage, unless they are finding lots then they get to pick a friend who gets to put the Leprechaun in its cage.

I am the teacher, I must behave like the adult.  If it is getting to chaotic, I slow down the hiding and let the room calm down again.  I do NOT reprimand them for being excited at a game I started. Nor do I take they game away.  Use it as a learning tool to teach self-control, turn taking, cooperative play and empathy.

Have fun with your kids.
Build memories and relationships that will last.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you.

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