Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A Fight For Our Families and Children

Perhaps, my maternal grandmother knew more than anyone gave her credit for.
My mom has told me stories about how, my name sake, did NOT want the television brought into her house.  What others saw as the wave of the future and modern technology, she referred to as “the one-eyed, foul-mouthed, stranger”.  He was not welcome in her house.  She only saw him adding strife to the family and introducing the family to things they did not welcome in their house when others came to visit.

Fast forward to today.  We all have multiple one-eyed, foul-mouthed strangers in our house.  Some of us let them in every room of our house.  Most I dare say allow them to sleep in our bedroom, with us. But it is not just these strangers, we’ve allowed them to bring family members, close-knit and extended, freely into our home.  They clutter up our life, rob us and our family, of our time, and bring lots of garbage into the house, we would never let others bring into our home.

Our house is full of, computers, tablets, phones, Alexa, gaming devices and the list goes on an on.  We sit inside our homes and isolate ourselves.  We allow this one-eyed stranger to control our time (free time and the time we should be devoting to other things), he robs our family of our attention, he tracks our move and broadcasts it so others know what we are doing and where we are. He brings crude humor, graphic violence, and hate language into our home and is allowed to stay.

I dare say stranger or friend walking through your door and acting out of control would be asked to leave and if he did not then he would be removed by a call to the police.  Yet because he is one-eyed and captivating we allow him to have places of honor in our homes, families and lives.  Yes, I think my Grandma was way wiser than any of us, who would consider her back woods, uneducated and poor. While we laugh at her misgivings, think of the peace she would have had today none of us have.

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