Thursday, August 23, 2018

You Know You are Doing Something Right When...

I have seen lots of posts lately about how hard our job is as Early Childhood Educators.
How low our pay is.
How meager our benefits are, compared to other jobs.
It is a frustrating, but social media rants and listing pay is unprofessionalI fear some do not realize it is also grounds for firing in many centers.
It makes our whole profession look ungrateful, and takes the focus off the important job we do.

As professionals we have the duty to educate others, that we are not “baby-sitters”, we are Early Childhood Professionals.  We need to share the education it takes to become a good teacher, learn what we know about children, child developemnt and how we prepare the children to be successful later in life.
We don’t do this by whining and ranting, it does not work for the students in my class. So why would it should it work for an adult who is supposed to be a professional?

We can make a difference by loving our students, doing our job the best we can, being partners with parents, lobbing politicians to educate them and to share our knowledge.

I knew that the pay and benefits would never be what I was worth, when I made Early Childhood my career.
But the joy in my job, the trust families give me, and the excitement my students greet me with can NEVER be taken from me by taxes, politicians or others.
So I know I must be doing something right.

Yesterday was perfect proof of this:

I was greeted by every student in my class with loud cheers of, “Ms.Helen is here!!!!!” Followed by many hugs, lots of conversation about things that happened the night before and hand holding.

A new student and his family gave me and my coteacher plants for making his transition easy and helping him feel welcome.

I received a note in my mailbox that said: “Ms. Helen, Thank you for being “SO NICE”(M’s words).
He really enjoys school! The M.. Clan”

Another mom came to me, she gave me a big hug and said, “Tomorrow is L’s last day.  I wanted to be sure I got to say goodbye and tell you, Thank you for loving my son.  You made it possible for me to go to work everyday knowing he was safe and cared for.  You care deeply for him and I am grateful for the peace that gives me.”

So no I do not make what a school teacher makes.
No I will never make what a doctor or a lawyer makes, but I create the path for many children to become great doctors, lawyers, plumbers, janitors, astronauts, teachers, etc....
You can choose to look at what you don’t have, and don’t make OR you can be very proud of the difference you make and carry yourself like the most important, and influential, individual in your circle of influence.  This creates respect.
When you are respected you can make a WORLD of DIFFERENCE all around you.

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